54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot fortune Yes or no?

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

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@discobot fortune are you a bot?

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

what the fuck


Is this hentai quote

damn, y’all are kinky :flushed:


That feeling when you’re an idiot and they had just switched account numbers which meant you missed a bunch of transactions. MOOD.



College is a huge scam:Discuss


Especially since we have to pay to apply

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There was a company who decided to hire people from highschool without a degree and teach them stuff that they would have learned if they went to college for that degree so they could work for them, and they learned it much better and faster then college students.

(I forgot where this was, I just remember reading about this)

Okay so question:When I make the club, should I reveal my username to them. Yes or No.

I mean, I’m hoping to explain to them how the game works and I think I could show them in more detail if they knew who I was and to show them my play style. I just really hate the idea of people at school knowing this forum


If I told them my mafiauniverse account they would know where else I played based on championships and my profile and then I could get hunted down and stalked

I’d say yes since it gives a clear example that you’ve played for a long time

why would anyone actually wanna stalk you