54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I don’t think people are that perceptive

That’s why I crossed it out, I don’t believe they would it’s just I think of the internet as my safe place lmao

Hey question is the cookie thread going to show to people if they never seen it before, because off topic threads don’t show twice once you click on it unless you bookmark it.

if someone actually really wanted to stalk you not telling them your other username won’t do much to stop them

They show in suggested topics, that’s it
Even then I don’t think it would show to someone who hasn’t clicked

Oh okay then that’s good

I’m safeish

Hi safe

Who’s safe?

another thing I’m going to be very strict on is discussing on going games or cheating

I don’t know who’s going to join therefore I do not know the type of people they are so that’s a real issue

Well you can always click in the off-topic category, and then you see the threads. It’s not really hidden.

god dammit


Whatever happened to Alfa?

demoted and probably banned, remember?

I don’t

I legit don’t why was Alfa demoted I know why the others were

I actually don’t even know them, since their last post in this forum was on October '18

along with marl and the others?