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Wanted someone else who also knew graphic design thoughts on a flyer

What if we had two computers and two people facing the opposite way but you can see the sceen and one of them says town and that person is colored green and the other person is colored red and says mafia. I could add details to the computer as well

nah I’m fine making it, I just want someone else thoughts on my idea

I’m literally in a graphic design class I have access to everything I need to print flyers

It’s hard to transfer my thought of what I’m thinking to you in words lmao

eh, depends on the detail/quality i suppose

too little or too much and it’s “cringey” or “weird” which will drive some people away, so if you can find the right balance or a better image that’d be better

up to you tho, do whatever feels best or most right. i dont go to your school so w/e

It could work if you make it look good, draw it out first get it onto like a blank piece of paper first make sure it looks good there even with like stick figures before putting a bunch of time into like Photoshop

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In graphic design, usually simple is always better.

Like people aren’t going to spend half a hour looking at all the details in my image, it’s a flyer they will look at it for a couple seconds. If I make something simple but gives out the idea of it , it works a lot better

You don’t know how excited I get when I do something I’m passionate about lmao

I could also put a line of people up sitting down with a computer and put a magnifying glass on one of the computers that would show what their screen is showing, aka their alignment

lot of ideas I can’t possibly say them all lmao


that fixes everything

wait that’s a website?

When/If I finish the flyer I’m definitely posting it here blurring out any thing that may give an idea as to what school I go to

The funny part of this is usually clubs go to the graphic design class to get them to design stuff for them but since I’m in the class I can do it myself lmao

I don’t think I have ever been this excited at school

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Send us link so we can riot

Can’t, witch hunting them only supports town of Salem as they hunt witches

You could find it with 1 minute of searching if you really wanted to tbh

Not joining the riot anymore, rude