54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


help Simon I’m trapped

owo owo uwu owo???


I’m going to be eaten alive HALP


owo owo

I need someone who can speak their language to defend me

@Emilia help

uwu uwu uwu

worst person to call in as support ngl hind sight is 20/20 tho


hewwo suwuit
Dis fire wire kitty witty needs too be punished :3

retching sounds in the far background

I have a water spray bottle I use to defend myself from my cats sometimes I’m not afraid to use it

no Simon

Bad Simon

hewwo simwon uwu uwu

kitty witty big bad

But kitty witty, you cawwed upawn meh?
sadly nuzzles u

retching intensifies

am scwared :< :<

I’m going to use these screenshots of you as out of context

No suwuwit he is a kitty witty himsewf.
it es a watew bottew of wies!!1!

retching reaches a personal high

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oh noes /~/\

Simon why is that your pfp btw, you to sulit

Superman was forced to use kypronite once himself