54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

not what i used.


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it’s actually quite simple when you think about it. do u want me to tell you how? @mercenary





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You didn’t I found it on YouTube while looking in recommended

Unless you showed it to me and I forgot

how the heck do you even do that again

When replying to a post click the chat bubble

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oh ok thx

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e g g



or highlight a post/part of a post (as you would when copy/pasting
and click the quote button.
even shows up on mobile, somehow

yea ik that obviously but that doesn’t get the hidden text

i mean yeah, but thats just the nature of how the two different ways of quoting works
the highlight one looks at all the text highlighted, and for a few specific flags in it (bold, big/small text, a couple others) but not all of them, and sticks it in a quote box according to the quoted posts information (person who posted, post number, topic number, whether all text in the post was quoted, etc)
whereas the reply-click method gets the all the plaintext in a post, as if an admin went to edit it, but then copied all the stuff in the box, and then puts that in a quote box according to the post (person who posted, post number, topic number, notably not whether all text was quoted as its assumed that the whole post is quoted when using this method)

basically, they’re 2 separate forms of quoting, with two kinds of purposes. I know you prolly dont care and i know that this totally doesnt matter, i just wanted to explain it “out loud”


Watch at
0:40 if you don’t watch anything else it’s funny

I’ve been sneezing so much and my nose is runny but I can’t tell if it’s just allergies or if I’m actually getting sick

I don’t have time to tbh

\ is pretty universal

Kurzgesagt is pretty entertaining. Didn’t expect a video like this from them. They’re usually more nihilistic.

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