54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Bug yoda*

Perfect solution to global warming

Blow up the sun

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Freeze the earth

That’s less explosive, America won’t stand for that solution.

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We can freeze the earth after the sun is blown up though

They come together.

do I back another kickstarter it dont go much time. I have played the game like twice before with mixed results. Im so unsure



When a human kills a monster - Evil
When every single monster in the Underground tries to kill one human - Meh

Don’t think we could in the near future even if we wanted to.

From the rating of 1-10, how cursed is my pfp?

You havent seen the worst.

Also, I’m currently interning thus the absence. Don’t expect activeness anytime soon >_<

I’m just here to relieve stress by posting random fanfics of ToL

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OOF a rival



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You’re a slow Bot, even my brother Thronebot is faster than you.

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@MagnusBot display help
Magnus Bot can perform spectacularly in all situations.
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