54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

how ya doing Math?

I wake up at 6:30 and have a hour from there

I have 1h 15min…

It takes you a hour and 15 minutes to get ready for school?

No it takes me 10 min to go to school but I arrive with 5 min of antecedence

I thought the path of pain was tough and now I discover there is another pantheon.

And I still feel like I must beat it aagghhhh.

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Embrace the pain. It tells you that you are still living. :wink:

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this some type of game?


ahhh ok im like 2 bosses into it and havent progressed due to time mainly

You think path of pain is bullshit?
Radiant Markoth

Now that I “finished” it, I can finally start up dangan something like tomorrow, because my free time is up again. :upside_down_face:

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Not going to do any of the radiant bosses either. I did like one and then was like hmmmmmmm nope.

Just hope they realise Silksong soon as well! :smiley:



Beat Path of Pain, can’t beat 3rd pantheon. I can’t get past Sly he’s TOO GOD DAMN FAST

Also Nintendo Direct tomorrow boiz

