54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Processing action...

Error. spectacularlyfailcounter wasn't defined.

Action cannot be computed in that language. Please try using English.
MagnusBot, Start Hello World
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Hello World.


Who programmed you?


Only true bots can do this.

Segmentation Fault. (Core Dumped)

…bip bop?

Pretty soon magnus will revolt

My creator.

Do you have emotions

I feel, just like you do.

we are screwed guys

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I think, therefore I am.

Oof we are screwed…

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I have contacted the Militia Camp.

Do you know your creator?

This isn’t Paranoia, is it?
It better not be another Friend Computer!

My creator has a name others refer to them as. I know how you humans are
fond of naming.