54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I heard it was poisonous though

Sulit is trying to poison me someone call the cops

How dare you try to poison me


I-i would never!!!

Free real doesn’t exist, however we should treat it like it does.

change my mind

for time travel to exist free will cannot exist

Free will does exist but We should treat it like it doesnt

Will is free but we should treat it like it isn’t free

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That’s the motto of companies justifying costs

If free will doesnt exist then How did you change your pfp


lmao thinking I changed my pfp of my own will

I was blackmailed


How do you decide between

:fire: :fish:



Free will does exist :wink: especially you should know that, FK.

I want :fire:

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Imagine training kittens to steal money from people and to bring it back to your house

You have ordered SneaKitten Deluxe for $9999. Please confirm your payment.