54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I don’t think we have an official application system. But it would be probably better to apply to the fol mods instead of Xblade himself.

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Asking because there aren’t that many mods rn who are active and I would be down to help.

I’d be down to, but not now. In the future.

There’s Priestess, Eevee & Solic & Squid though.
totally not an edit

Poor Squid, the forgotten moderator

I haven’t seen squid in a while lol.

There aren’t that many mods who are active.

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Actually, what are the requirements to become a Mod?
Not for now, but next year maybe. I might look into it.

Yeah there should be an application you can fill out or something.

In theory the team could use another since some time slots aren’t well accounted for

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Timeslots… :thinking:


(Priestessbot never sleeps btw, just has maintenance break of a few hours each day)


I think what Geyde is saying is that due to the different time zones where the mods live, there are some times when few or none of them are online.

Given I’m Australian :thinking:

Where should I apply I guess I’m asking :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m Aussie too!

“Hey I’m australian, make me fol mod”
Uhhh I’m not aware of any procedure, I’d suggest to write a dm with every fol mod as participant

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I’m not going to though.

Not now.