54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Someone should have hosted Friday 13th game

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missed opportunity

by the way if I never come on again assume I’m dead


I didnt get my air I had to

reee @anon97870008 you changed my title!
Might actually roll with it.

God how long did you take to notice this


Three minutes before that post.

Not title

Status needs a bit still, it’s work in progress.

I don’t really understand what that means.
Enlighten me.

Do you think it’s easy to make a puny mortal to a God? IT TAKES TIME. Deal with it. Title was ez, the rest is a bit more complicated.


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In every Greek Myth it seemed simple.

It would have been simple if at least one of your parents would have been a God already, smh

My father was though? :thinking:


A greek god… hm… this complicates the thing a bit

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Apollo was also the name of the Roman equivalent too, you realise?

Eek, so I have to ask in two pantheons for permission. Great. Oof, so much work…

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