54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

My newbies scum are pushing agenda omg

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Danganronpa 2, all the way.

But I want your predictions first.
I’ll show you how to set it out in a second.

Is it working?

1V = Chapter 1 Victim Prediction
1K = Chapter 1 Killer Prediction
2V = Chapter 2 Victim Prediction
2K = Chapter 2 Killer Prediction
Etc. You know the drill.


They tried to push the doc and the doc is… Reaper
So he knows 1 or 2 things about arguing out of suspicion

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anyone up for some secret Hitler, anyone?

Reaper is literally on the forums now @Mercenary

nm kai went to sleep

What are the bear things?

Monokuma and Monomi.

They are evil?

Technically evil except probably Monomi.


Nooooo spoilers. :cry:

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I literally fucking called him to check that thread.
Why do you try to sow mistrust between me and my friend?


Since literally one persons seen it.

I know it exists, I’m just waiting until Sulit dies.

He could die next move if he stuffs up.

@eevee I just read FoL 16.2
I loved it


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