54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I just had a little stupid idea
Immortal IC revealed at gamestart

That’s called tree stump.



so should I remove their vote as well?

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@eevee How should I balance a NB in terms of townxscum numbers


Two times that I’ve been NK I have openwolved like midgame and one time it won me the game. :smile:

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What’s NB?

Neutral benign.

@Mercenary and let them die by arsonist, since fire kills trees.


Oh, didn’t know we were talking about ToS.

I mean neutral benign can be seen as a more general mafia term. Just a third party that is more townsided. I’ve never even played ToS.

Oh, okay.

massive chalice seems to give a good FM out of its theme but I’m 2 lazy 4 that

I know you did call them, I literally saw the thread Mercenary. I’m telling you that it was a dumb idea, regardless of whether you trust them or not. I would say the same thing about it being dumb to someone I trust, because giving someone an option to cheat is the worst decision you can ever make especially involving a game around integrity.

Now, the funny part is you are getting mad at me for calling it dumb, but the truth doesn’t care about your opinions.

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Like I’m just being honest here

You ruined the integrity of the game regardless of whether they saw it, because we will never know if they actually didn’t see it.

It doesn’t matter much since I don’t think your game is very serious, but still. Don’t get mad at me for calling out that when it’s true.

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It was also fine before you called them here because we can check their profile to see if they ever logged in

Booooooo, play nice.

I was nice, I rephrased what I was going to say several times.

This reminds me of the time where Nuclearburrito invited me into a lobby, didn’t tell me a streamer was going to be there, I got scorned and after I accused and got my target lynched I tried to get other random people lynched. I got the streamer partners for two times before I accused the prince forgetting that they claimed prince, and I was accused of stream snipping.

I remember getting muted then and actually got even more upset because I was literally trying to defend myself in the discord, nothing ever happened such as me getting banned but I’m still salty that ever even happened.

I wonder if there is a way to access that game logs somehow, for example I think people reported me on that game and then I wonder if they could see what I wrote in my logbook and what time I did that, because I could clear myself if they could do that. Because the second person I got lynched after my target was the converted target the night before I accused them. And I wrote that I debuached them right when the night started because I was planning who I was going to accuse and I figured he would be a good target.

Because streams are delayed and I wrote it right away when night started, I could theoretically prove that I wrote it before they converted someone on stream.

@anon97870008 Is this possible, if it is I really would like if you could do it because then I can literally mock someone who bothered me multiple times in DM by trying to accuse me and bother me

the worst part is the person who mocked me literally got a free stream key for being on the forums and being member of the month or whatever that was called

and I was the reason he ever went on the forums in the first place

That person is firekitten before you switched accs with old firekitten