54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I never got new member of the month

You didn’t but person who was on your acc before did

My account never got new member of the month

I mean technically we all did since we are all alts of hippo

Account can’t get member of a moth only person controlling acc can

by the way

there’s a group of people in my math class who call themselves the council

and my first reaction to this is me imagining them being what the council of idiots would look like in real life

it’s not an insult, it’s just literally hilarious

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What do they do

I think they are more of the trouble makers of the class, even though they don’t bother the class a lot

Like, if you saw what they did, you would think it would fit perfectly as well.

They made a bet with the math teacher that if everyone in the council gets an A on the math test then the teacher owes them cookies the next day

The teacher accepted this bet for obvious reasons and I literally said are we allowed to bet against them

they didn’t get all A’s on the math test

What did teacher get if they lost

I almost said they should name themselves the council of idiots but I was like nah I can’t

I was telling them, the council sounds a bit bland. You should name it the Council Of (Blank). Add anything into the blank that would describe what the council does, and they said nah it sounds more
Mysterious this way

Their souls to sell to the Devil.

If they come on forum and see your profile they will think you are mocking them lol

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Nothing, the teacher accepted it because they win either way

They get the kids to study more then they would have, and they probably wouldn’t even get an A in the first place, and if they did then they learned the material

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Wait you deleted CoI part

I know etc etc etc
But I also know that if they saw the thread they would tell me they did because I personally know Reaper
so it is pretty fine

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I’m not mocking them, I find it hilarious though. I think they would understand that I’m joking about them and I actually find them funny, and I think that’s their main goal anyway is to make the class a little funnier

ironically though if I suggested the name council of idiots and I could explain to them the humor in that I think they would do it

But the math teacher is awesome, sometimes in class they literally just give us a nap break and turn off the lights or they literally start the class of with discussing something that has nothing to do with math

I remember talking about I think on this forums when I was in math class they talked about waffles or pancakes, and I think I said I was in math class at the time and they were doing that

Your title should be
Deep jevil

Nah because I’ll change my pfp back to a kitten eventually