54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

How many things do you need to pay attention to when driving a car, and what happens when you don’t pay attention to those things.

Bicycles are versatile, can go mostly anywhere, and aren’t nearly as catclysmic if you hit something head on.


or just

yell at everybody until they agree the person you say is scum is scum

tends to work for me

Uh, I need to pay more attention as bycicle driver, since I’m way more vulnerable.

including the person you are pushing

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and they work as long as you put effort in

stop drinking bycycles on a road wtf


make them question their entire alignment

where else would you drive a bycicle??

Also, I can drive safe with a car when I’m pretty sleepy, while I have to pay a lot more attention as bycicle driver

Oh and also adjust the seat to work with your personal tastes

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the sidewalk

You aren’t allowed to drive on the sidewalk O_o

That’s the thing
Mechanics don’t require that much thought

If you think that… then try to play a CW in ToL.

Offroad / trails.

If we want more forced parallels, that would be mountainous


Anywhere that doesn’t involve a car

that made me chuckle

I’m more talking about the yes/no nature of mechanics

that is, if you get caught

Proper use of actions is incredibly important since VIG HEROSHOOTING NEAR CONFIRMED TOWN IS NO

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