54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Is that your religion?
Count me interested

Just copy the OP I used xd



Senpais please

It’s about consistency

Ping me tomorrow and I’ll answer, it’s 10:39 pm

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I find reading the entire ISO, and looking at who they’re replying too (by clicking the little arrow) and what they’re replying to. Then think about the scope of people they reply to and what they’re actually achieving with their response. Are they throwing shade on a NAI post? Are they only engaging with a small amount of people. Asking yourself questions like these helps me find the macro and often catch scum who when I was in thread at the time with completely miss because the post isn’t that bad in isolation without their entire ISO to judge from.

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The best thing about the ISO is you can see their progression. If its fluid, like a meandering stream, they’re probably town. If it’s plinky plonky like stones bouncing off of a mountain then they’re probably scum.

I think I’m gonna ask for a new reviewer so I can get into signups soon

I will only talk in all caps during the game when it runs


Are you wanting me to queue it? Message me details.

I’m not doing micro reads, but macro reads are basically, you try to find out which motivation they have in posting this stuff, which progression do they have in their reads, are they contributing meaningful or not.
Yeah, everything I know :stuck_out_tongue:

If ur serious I’ll send it shortly

The entire op is there
Nothing is left to imagination

I’m on review team lul

I don’t play large games typically, so I’ll take a look at it

Also another big thing, are the majority of their posts making sense? Are they contradicting things they said just 6 hours beforehand?

Yes towns often contradict themselves but it is if the contradiction actually helps the player push someone that they often wolves.

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Wait so it’s like their flow or something

I was reading on Micro V Macro article on mafiascum

I didn’t know what the Plinko board vs the Waterfall was supposed to mean

Oh thats what it means? Like
It arrives in a set location, but the progression was clunky and forced while moving in weird directions


Smooth and logical?

Yes. Wolves often have the conclusion they want to make thought out, and have to fake getting there whereas townies generally spew whatever they’re thinking into the thread.

MU I think oops