54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

There are a lot of ways tho. Overthinking reads and changing them is pretty much BD, but BD always will post why they changed their reads. To test these reasons is what you want.

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Christopher Robin shall be the greatest converter ever.

Macro comes from experience though, its easy to say ‘think if what they’re saying makes sense’ but actually working out whether something someone is saying makes sense is not something you can coach really and you just need to find out what works for you.

Yeah I know
Lacking strong experience in those kinds of reads XD

Also, hosting games really helped me, because you get to observe thought processes of townies and mafia members while both knowing their exact role and alignment, without the pressure of being a wolf yourself and in real time.


also where is the sfol queue sheet

What about another grand idea game


Grand Idea thread is thoroughly fucked

I’ve been thinking about starting a new one because half of the roles in there now are stuff like ‘host is modbiased towards scum reroll this slot’ which is against the rules.


@anon97870008 thoughts on a new grand idea thread given the state of the current one?

Uh huh Grand Idea is nonbalanced AF and that’s kinda the purpose, but non-balanced kinda hurts me ^^

Yeah but its at the point where its not going to be fun because of all the ‘change some random mechanic and reroll this slot’ even though Ashe put that you couldn’t do that in the rules xd

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The thing is we have people spamming ridiculous ideas and it really weeds out the good ideas

im for a new grande idea thread

personally think it should be reset after every grand idea run

Sure, we can start anew, I’d be interested in rolling that tbh, but it would be great if people would try to not make it 100% stupid :thinking:


I’ll make the thread, lock the old one and make the rules for the thread crystal clear.


And I’ll hit everyone who’s spamming in there with a newspaper. Good plan :wink:

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I’ll just fish out my Neutral somewhere

Is it okay if you make separate threads for each faction?

…Is it bad that I didn’t realize the Grande Idea thread was supposed to be for good ideas? :eyes: