54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Just kidding.
It’s because I can’t take anyone hostage if I do that.

Yes they will come banging the door at annoy Nerb Yes mwhaha

Kill Fire.
Take Htm hostage :smirk:

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If you kill fire I have Threatened Nicely asked nuke to make a program where if I die 10000000 of other kittens will rapidly ping you.

You mean I will be the host of my hostage?

Nuclear? Fuahahaha.
He’s a rogue agent with me.
He won’t help you

That’s why he made the program


Why am I trying to use logic with a member of the council of idiots?
That just won’t work… :expressionless:

Have fun, cats.

PKR- A member of the Council of Idiots.

I am not. I am a rogue agent.
You don’t understand


Are you a light themer? Or are you part of the dark too?



I’m not the only one here now

@discobot fortune

Should I trust Bastardesus?

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

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Thank you disco…

but I thought Bastard was gud :frowning:

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