54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot fortune

Are ToL players always throwing the game out of window?

:crystal_ball: Вы можете положиться на это

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Not yet tho :frowning:

That’s in the future

@discobot fortune

Is Firekitten the smurtest person in the world?

:crystal_ball: Хорошие перспективы

Why is it in a different language

Cuz why not. KEK

Since it doesn’t want you to know how bad you are
All kittens must be defeated and given the light theme

It means good prospects.

(Google translate for the win)

Totally. :smirk:

Looks like Russian or another Slavic language I think :thinking:

(Soz but I love guessing languages)

@discobot fortune

Is dark theme better than light theme?

:crystal_ball: Reply hazy try again

It knows not to start wars.

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@discobot fortune

Is dark theme worse than light theme??

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

Thank you

(Does it give like)

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Yeah likes!

You’re good. Telling the truth.
That the dark theme is bad