54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

ive played it a bit, but it was a bit ago. i can give you some general pointers but honestly just find a steam guide. i know your playing it on mobile but the guides are public and i believe they can be found on the steam app if you have that, steam website if not

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Anyone want to do MU hydra with me?
I’m kind of interested but still need a team

Basically 3 people share an anon account

Exact setup is unknown

@Isaac_Gonzalez @Geyde @DatBird @Ami @Emilia i guess for ppl i know the best

link to it: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/24269-Hydra-Event-2019!?p=3601328#post3601328

I’ll decline

ty for changing your pfp

it’s actually only 2 ppl for the november game or 3 for the december one

i can’t juggle work+relationship+school and an nu game, sorry mate

ok, thanks for the response

Can’t do, just before Christmas

apologies, i cannot due to school work getting stronger plus new site scares me

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This list should have it

Too slow…



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@Mercenary has like half the posts in the Class card thread lol

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And most of them are pretty good GI classes, how do you do that

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