54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

How does one even have so many good classes XD

I have like 1 class in the V1 and 1 class in the V2, and needed around 5 hours for each :eyes: well, including asking for feedback for it and changing it accordingly

Winnie the Pooh

Neutral Offensive

Oh Bother


Trying to write a meme class on a friend.
Being pretty content. Reading it again. Sighs.
Deletes half of it because of Leaking.
Gives up.

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Us enforcing the ‘put effort into your classes’ rule has really helped.

I think the next Grand Idea will be quality.


I’m pretty content with it. Even when we have to delete some 2-liners classes from time to time. But overall… pretty much good content.

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Who would have thought… that I end up as being a kind of revolutionary… I didn’t…
Always tunneling the leaders
Always trying to misuse the mechanics for their opposite
Claiming immediately after an anti-claim ability is announced
Holy shit what have we done to the always obedient Priestess…


I migrated my good old thread classes to the new one, created nekogirls and migrated the upick classes

why does this always appear in my “unread” i swear ive seen duck duck goose fm like 10 times

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can’t sorry

Cant you unfollow the thread?

are you just clicking it and going back? in order to clear it go to the page and then use the slider on the right to just go to the bottom and then go back.
at least, thats what works for me

@anon97870008 I’m confused, why was this locked?

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randomly locks thread 9 months later

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Was accidentally necroposted by someone, I deleted + locked

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I found making class in Grand Idea relaxing

For some times when I feel bogged I just put down an idea I think works in SFoL.

Though I care more about the lore and flavour than balance.

For my newest classes, behold.


I mean the idea that I’m occasionally necrolocking old threads for fun is hilarious, I love it

someone host a grand idea you won’t