54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Here i am, dealing with my friend, a homoerotic crack addict, whos addicted to playing Heroes of Might and Magic, and commands an army of giant eagles, that burn away guilds, destroying the economy of all the regions, while having his hero knock people out, beat the shit out of them, and gain Reputation for doing so. He has surpassed the level of Godhood, and is a natural 200 iq player that plays 4d chess, as he is attuned with the 4th dimension

oh god

The True mountanious set up

only those who are natural born homo-sapiens with 200 iq can play through this game, and transcend us all.

I hope it fills but it’s pretty much not gonna have all 37

Would anyone be interested in an Egyptian-themed SFoL?

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Like egyptian gods?

If it’s based on the Egyptian 9 Glory Gods: yes, yes, yes.

If it’s just Egyptian theme sure

Alright, it wasn’t going to be about Egyptian Gods, but I can make it about Egyptian Gods.


Do what u want my dude it will prob be great. I was more making a jojo reference. But the Egyptian gods are pretty cool

Do you mean this?


Oh, nvm, it was a Jojo reference.



If I make it about Egyptian Gods, should I make it a Free-For-All? (Like Neutral Showdown)

You can pick gods from different Panthéon or make it ”evil” vs ”Good” egyptian gods

(For scum faction)

BAST :open_mouth:

One of the Egyptian gods I remember for good reason!

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Bastet or Bast

Bastet was worshiped in Bubastis in Lower Egypt, originally as a lioness goddess.

Bastet was originally a fierce lioness warrior goddess of the sun worshiped throughout most of ancient Egyptian history, but later she was changed into the cat goddess that is familiar today, becoming Bastet.

I told you it was good reasoning

Yeah, I knew what you meant.

I have always been a fan of Sobek and Thoth