54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

why do some people have danganronpa pfps

Cause danganronpa game coming in November that is hype


oh that game nice

I got best girl :^)

I’m not going to say who I rolled until I get my classcard, because I don’t know whether or not flavor is ability indicative.

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U can message Alice to find out,


you prolly shouldnt talk about your flavour on other thread

Oh wait cant read. Nm

I guess ur right but I was never gonna say who I rolled

people are already outting who they got by their pfp so

Mfw when I asked Alice whether or not flavor is ability-indicative because of you misreading.

Oh no

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If I remember right, it may be ability indicative but isn’t alignment indicative

Yeah, Alice already said it’s not alignment indicative, I don’t think they ever specified whether or not it’s ability-indicative though.

Set, Horus, ISIS, Geb, Anhur

lots of Egyptian gods

AI flavor is no

Anubis, mah boi.

Also Ra
and Maybe Osiris, by technicality, as hes considered King of the Underworld after being Vigged by his brother

Why not