54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Requires effort

I love making flavor for games

I mean yea

  • Egyptian Gods Free-For-All (Like Neutral Showdown)
  • Egyptian Gods Forum Mafia
  • Egyptian Jobs/Occupations SFoL

0 voters

I’ll close this 24 hours from now btw, going to bed now.

honestly just anything rolemadess is fun bc of the chaos and watching the ppl struggling to make some semblance of balance in there

i’d be down to play regular fm and stuff i guess, but some new mechanics to not make it just plain fm with different flavor would appeal to me more


whats job/occupation sfol

Priorities man
Do you play Smash or get smashed

Oh god hell yeah
Rolls Medusa


I’d like Achilles or Heracles, Perseus, Atalanta, Psyche.

just stop

i can’t believe u don’t want to be odin smh

Odin is Norse mythology

and you’re talking about greek /shrug


No one made a joke about this

I will be Boomer

to the tune of No Mercy

“I’m already Boomer.”

I accidentally took the wrong meds, I took the one that would make me stay up all night instead of the ones to help me sleep

I had to put my hand in my mouth to touch the ball thing to make me throw it up