54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m interested.

I wouldn’t really know how to compare it to not having a twin, how do you think it’d be different?

I know a girl that was a triplet and her identity was always shared with their sisters. They were always seen as one unit. That can be comforting, but also mess with your head when you have your own idiosyncrasies that get harder to express and also be accepted by other people.

Can confirm, I have a twin.

Oh that’s cool. Fraternal or identical?

Identical, I’ll elaborate later, I have to go right now.


Twins also make for the best movie plot twists… or the worst


I don’t really feel the same with my twin tbh, might just be because we are fraternal

I just learned I pinged scythe in the game we played in Sulit all game

Not 5cythe

And now scythe is mad

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One thing I’ve heard a lot is apparently we fight a lot more than other siblings do but

a) I have a hard time believing it

b) maybe it’s just conflicting personalities



Scythe listen up, most of the town in dead chat worked together to try to make a plan so town wins the game.

Right now you are receiving a message from dead chat. This game isn’t bastard, however there are hidden mechanics that aren’t known to the living.

There is a shop in dead chat, we guess that Ryast liked the idea of dead interaction from his neutral killer all game where people can buy stuff to interact with the living.

When a player dies they gain one soul to spend in dead chat. They can give this soul to another person so they can spend it. Each Item in the dead shop is worth 3 town souls, or one mafia soul. We have been saving these souls for near the end of the game where they will be most useful.

Here’s a list of some of the items in dead chat that everyone can purchase

1.Heal-Heal a person during the night.

2.Roleblock-Roleblock a person during the night.

3.Tracker-Announce to the living who a player visited during the night.

4.Backup-This allows the person who buys this to use their night ability that night.

Items Only Mafia Can Buy

1.Strongman-The factional kill the next night (not this night) can’t be blocked

2.Inverse Results-All investigative abilities will receive the wrong results tonight.

3.Poison-Poison a player causing them to

die in two nights.

Every time someone buys an item everyone in dead chat is notified. Mafia brought Inverse Results on Night Four. Mafia Brought Doctor on N5 and tonight N6. Mafia have been debating on whether or not they want to buy inverse results tonight, but they know we are going to send this message so they will do it at the last minute so we can’t see whether or not they brought it.

Right now we know the last mafia is Eevee, since you said you received a result that there was a town judge in the game when mafia brought Inverse Results. Right now we are buying a Roleblock to use on Eevee tonight, I (Jelly) brought the backup ability to send you this message, and Chris brought the backup to give you the day vigilante.

Do not trust your results tonight, we don’t know whether or not mafia will buy the Inverse Results. Mafia brought the Doctor N5 and N6 because they are scared of Litten shooting Eevee, which Litten will likely do tonight.

When the day starts we recommend you to shoot MrEevee7 as soon as possible, because there is a chance that Litten will think you are lying and vote you. If that happens Mafia won the game. (Most of the dead chat doesn’t think greatly of Litten, this will be explained at the end of the game. They feel like Litten played this game badly, and right now wouldn’t be surprised if they voted you).

We are disappointed in how you trusted MrEevee7 being town, despite the fact that your results can be tampered with and Masons can’t be tampered with. This game isn’t bastard, however somehow you concluded that it was.

We are also disappointed in the fact that Litten received a notification that Eevee was town, yet when Cjbeats died did not question why mafia would send that to them. There was no reason for mafia to send that to him if Eevee wasn’t mafia.

Lot of other stuff happened in dead chat, there is a lot of rage and salt that will be expressed at the end of the game. I didn’t know this at the time, but apparently Peaceful claimed a cop check on me but you still lynched me. I’m not that upset over it, however Peaceful is upset over it and will say when Eevee dies that the players who lynched him should be ashamed that they didn’t even read his posts.

Good Luck, remember we are with you in the dark. There is a lot more that needs to be said about this game after Eevee dies, however we decided to exclude it from this message because most of the salt in dead chat isn’t directed at you, and it feels unfair to send you a message with all the salt in it.

Sulit this was the message I sent scythe


I referenced deltarune in this message lmao

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That being said, people do mix us up a lot.

It bothers me when we’re referred to as My Name and Her Name. It’s not I don’t like her or anything, it’s more people refer to us together when describing or talking about something one of us did rather than singling us out. I love my sister and it’s not that I don’t like being associated with her, but it bothers me when I’m like paired with her instead of being referred to as an individual if that makes any sense. It’s like they kinda hash our personalities together when we’re two individuals.

I also find it weird af when people mix out names up because we’re not identical and look quite different.

Yeah, Ryast told us about it

gg tbh

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It was really fun playing with Hypixel gang gang

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even if pi trolled the whole time

It’s fun

Just please never make me a lost wolf again

My cat is currently eating my sock

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My cat grabs socks from the laundry room and brings it to us to play fetch