54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I wish my cat played fetch

She plays steal and hide

And be a brat

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It’s not nice to have to put the same five socks back into the laundry room each day when we have a feather we can throw and have her fetch instead

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My cat always steals my desk chair

I’ll come home, want to get started on my homework, start to sit down and then I’ll hear a big fat MEOW coming from underneath me

And then she won’t move and when I take her off she’ll get right back on

Now she’s mad at me

My cat keeps opening my bathroom in my room when it’s clear I will spray her each time she tries to

It stops her for first ten times but after she’s soaking wet I don’t think she cares about getting sprayed more she wants in my bathroom

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I’m referring to a different cat this time

My cat never ventures into any of the bathrooms in my house

Does your cat ever meow at you then you meow back and you start a conversation with it but you have no idea what you’re talking about

No, imagine you agreed to helping her take over the world

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I can translate what they said for you if you type what they said

and what you said back to them

Well it went something like




Then meeeeooooow

Then meeeooooow

Then mew

You need to have the name of the person saying it next to the meows


Cat: meow
Me: meow
Cat: meeeoooooow ):<
Me: meeeoooooww
Cat: Mew
Me: meow

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Don’t question it fk is telling me what I’ve agreed to

Nerds you think your cats are bad?

I have an amputee cat who loves to put all of his weight on his one back leg wherever it hurts the most

You:Hi how are you today

Cat:Not good, just came back from the Council Of Cats and they told me they will have to stall the human massacre for a couple more months, there’s not enough fish in the treasury

You:Oh that’s sad to hear, is there anyway I can help in that?

Cat:You could always try to spy on the humans and report back to us with information.

You:That’s a great idea, I also want to be part of the uprising of cats, I want to be a Honorary cat when I help storm the White House in order to overthrow the government of humans!