54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Dark chocolate is rich on potassium and fat btw

My favorite chocolate is a dark and spicy one lol

what is your least favorite food?

Never eat that but I love clover sprouts

Oh no Anime pfp


Licorice and Peanuts

Both are gross

Raw onion

I love both of those things

I’ve built up resistance to black licorice
It doesn’t taste that bad

tomato paste and milk mixed in with sand

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do you love olives, radish, cress and arugula as well?

You eat sand?

not often.

least favorite for a reason

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Fr tho who the fuck likes black licorice is tastes like bitumen

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I mean
I get why he doesn’t like it

It’s coarse, rough, and irritating. It also gets everywhere

i like black licorice. It’s not bad.

olives sure
radish meh
cress no
arugula no

also here’s something i need settled

  • Twizzlers
  • red vines

0 voters

there is a right answer

Also black jellybeans are gross too

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Never had a Twizzler