54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m not healthy
Last time I checked I was 168 pounds

you are missing out

(x) don’t have any in Brazil

I’m not a salad guy

I weigh 65kg

…and im 17 :^)

twizzlers are really good.

also really unhealthy but oh well.

don’t worry I grew 12 kilos snce I started living alove

I feel so bad when I have to turn people offering me food down

im a solid 145.

but also 6’1 so i look skinny as fuck

Yeah veggies all the way I hate salad and only eat it because I have to.

It isn’t repulsive like peanuts tho

teas are good for health

I love salads what’s up with you weirdos


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You’re the same weight as me and like an inch taller lol

I, too, will begin eating Ts

Ranch dressing is no for my “diet”

Is someone else also 5’4"

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Whenever I have to eat salad I drench it in balsamic dressing

I’m 5’4" but 8 inches taller

like normal tomatoes
anything with sour cream
and steak