54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I have finally found a worthy new profile picture.

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Never have to do another English assessment in my life hell yeah


chicken on a raft!
on a sunday morning
no most disgraceful sight to see
[don’t remember]
oooh chicken on a raft!

Fake News

Unlucky Firekitten

Reality doesn’t exist if I do not believe it exists

@People who have played on MU before:

I’m venturing into the world of MU for the first time for the Hydra event. In general, what should I expect from games there? Is there anything in particular that would be useful to know?

MU has a lot of aliens in it

It’s very easy to win as a wolf in a mash


What does this mean

Believe it or not voting your hydra partner does not give you a third one

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There’s a lot of aliens from other planets playing on there

They won’t tell you that unless you befriend one, would trust me I befriended an alien there

Prepare to read a lot of stuff

Studies have shown that 100% of people who have played on mafia universe will die in the future


@simon will be playing on MU isn’t that right
