54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

because its way easier to glance at the pfp to see who’s posting rather than the name

and it was also annoying because the text was really tiny

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who’s sulit?

all I can see is empty space

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lost, gone, hidden in the shadows of dark theme

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What if someone has light theme

then their opinion immediately doesn’t matter and they’re not worthy my attention

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i think thats true, but it is especially true when they have a face.
for instance, when i see your pfp, i dont really attach anything to it,
but like i feel that i cant help but see the face of hja’s pfp as kinda condescending, and i have to imagine that filters the tone i see her posts in

you’ll always be a platypus in our hearts :heart:


I guess Its time to change pfp

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I’ll only stop if you explain why JakeTheWolfie was deleted.

you know mods can mute people right

They also deleted Flesh Cloner V1

you should specify that that night ability is useable while dead

Imagine being an IC but you’re a scum IC who just kinda exists

IC? What’s that?

Innocent Child.

A role that has an ability or passive that makes the host reveal their alignment or their role. (I think)

meow? Meow…

I’ve found a new love for tea

I need someone on the tol discord to play wolfia mafia with us. Right now :eyes:

oo me !

Ooft, I literally JUST got locked out.