SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2



Neutral Special
Flexing Contest (Passive) - If a player attacks you, both of you will gain a use of Flex Harder. You are immune to one attack per player at night.
Muscles Not Cute (Passive) - This class can only be rolled with Temmie (556). You cannot be invited to Tem Village.
Flex Harder (Day ability) - Flex Harder, allowing your night ability to be empowered - 1 use
Who Needs Legs with Arms like these? (Night ability) - Select a player to flex at. They will be overwhelmed and die from shock - 1 Night Cooldown.
Muscle Ghost (Night ability) - Select a player. They will spend the night at your place, occupying them and preventing actions from targeting them - 1 Night Cooldown.
Prevent the starting Temmie from dying or graduating to collage.

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The CAPitaliSt

Neutral Offensive

CAPS(Passive) - Must include 5 capital letters in every post. failing to do so results in modkill

Minimum wage(Night) - Choose a player. They will now be your worker. Any night action they use from now on will fail, bypassing occupy immunity.

Take 3 minimum wage workers

please edit clases into your post.

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Disney Animator (social)
Vanilla member of the Abomination Faction
If no roles that can kill spawned, there is a factional kill


The Timebomb

Neutral Killer

Resolve(Passive) - After the night is over, if you are supposed to be dead, you will revive yourself, but will be set back one level on your timebomb

Tick Tock(Day) - If there is less than 24 hours left in the day, instantly end the day. The lynch will
take effect as if the day ended naturally(1 use)

Timebomb(Night) - Progress a level on your timebomb. Once you reach level 4, you set off the bomb, Garunteeing that you are the only person left alive. Any neutral who hasn’t won at this point will not win.

Have your Timebomb explode and kill everybody



Neutral Special
Passing Through (Passive) - Every player who gets on the Train gains an ability from 1 random previous passenger. The BulletTrain also gains 1 ability from each passenger.
Boarded (Passive) - While you have this rolecard, you are boarded on the train.
Next Station (Night) - Swap rolecards with target player. You become a passenger. Inf use
Goal: Don’t be boarded on the BulletTrain by the end of the game.

A player will retain their previous alignment if they become UnBoarded from the BulletTrain.


Ghost of the [Past/Future]

Town/Scum Social
Death has taken me (Passive) - You are killed N0, but you can still talk in the Main Thread and are revealed a Ghost of the Past. You do not count toward the main votecount. You can use Haunt while dead.
Haunt (Night) - Kill target player. You can only use this if your faction does not have any killing ability. Inf use
Goal: Perform your faction’s goal



Town Killer
Not Luxy (Passive) - You are totally not Luxy.
Power Role (Passive) - If you claim or soft your true class, or any of your abilities, all protective abilities from that point forward will automatically fail on you. You retain this passive if you become King. Additionally, you are immune to occupation and redirection. Whether this applies during the day depends on the host. If the evil faction is the Syndicate, you automatically commit suicide at the end of Night 1.
Imprison (Day) - Jail another player tonight, occupying them (bypassing occupation immunity) and preventing all other visits to them. Each of you may send the other a message through the host (up to 1000 characters).
Bastard Imprison (Day) - Jail yourself tonight. You may send up to two messages (max. 1000 characters) from yourself to yourself. All other visits to you will be prevented. You can still use your night abilities. (1 use)
Execute (Night) - Kill the player you have jailed, bypassing night immunity. If you kill a player aligned with the Town, this ability becomes permanently disabled. (3 uses)
Mercy (Night) - Heal the player you have jailed. (1 use)
Goal: Defeat all threats to the Town.



Meta Reads

Neutral Special
No meta! (Passive) - If you use meta to read someone or defend yourself you will be modkilled.
Meta Death (Night) - Send up to two quotes of players using meta from the game thread, they will be strongmaned. This ability will not be usable if you have won the game. (Inf)
Goal: survive whilst killing as many people who used meta as you can, or alternitivley kill 3 people who used meta

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Post 577

Joseph Stalin


*“Does anybody else hear boss music?” - The Borgeuoise™

Neutral Killer

Red Menace (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. You must use any abilities when able. Every day you remain alive for, the moderator must post parodies of Red Scare US propoganda talking about how EVIL you are.
Collective Farms (Passive) - While you are alive, the Famine mechanic is enabled. Every player is given 2 pieces of bread, and loses this bread once every 2 days. If a player ever has no Bread, they will die at night unstoppably.

Means of Production (Day) - Choose another player, and give them the ability to distribute bread to one other player as a night ability. No, not themself. Good grief, socialism isn’t about the workers owning the factories and farms and redistributing the resources in an equitiable way, it’s about YOU owning them, silly! - Infinite uses.
Revolutionary Vangaurd (Day) - If the King/Tsar or other monarch or absolute ruler is executed today, the post is dissolved, and all players with the passive Royal Blood are killed. - 1 use

Gulag (Night) - Remove a player from the game, placing them in a chat with all other Gulag members and preventing them from speaking in the main thread or targetting or being targeted by people other than you and other Gulag members. Confiscate all but one of their bread for yourself. - Infinite uses.
NKVD Raid (Night) - Send 3 players to the Gulag for telling dangerous anti-soviet jokes - 1 use.

You win if the evil Blue Dragon/Town/Unseen/Cult/Mafia borgeuoise are all dead and you’re still alive. Long live the revolution!

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Mafia Psychotrooper

Mafia Social

No u Mechanics (Passive) - All investigative roles will return random results. The mafia factional kill is unassigned. This passive persists after death.

No u Boomer (Night) - Mimic any basic action (cop, doctor, roleblock, redirect, princesscheck) on a player of your choice. - 4 Uses

Defeat all threats to the Mafia.


The Anti-Threadvirus

Neutral Investigative
Shut up Merc (Passive) - You can’t be ever the contract of a Mercenary (180). You also can’t be targeted by @Mercenary.
Database Hacker (Passive) - You know how many Mercenary-made classes are in the game. You don’t know which or who has the classes. You will also be alerted if this number ever changes.
Fire At Will (Day) - Kill a player in plain daylight if they have publicly claimed a class made by Mercenary. Aditionally, this ability can also target @Geyde, whenever he fills or not this criteria. - 3 uses.
Trace Origins (Night) - Select a player. Learn who created their class in the GI V2 thread. - Infinite uses.
High Ground (Night) - Roleblock all players visiting you tonight. You will be given all classtypes who targeted you, and in which quantity (ie “3x Support, 1x Offensive”). If one of your targets is a Catgirl or a member of the Town, they will start to bleed and die the next night if not healed. - 2 uses.

Goal: Eliminate all players whose class was created by @Mercenary .

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Space Marine Special

Deadly Laser (Day) - Dayvig a player provided they have made less than 40 “on-topic” posts over the course of the game. One liners do not count toward this total. Usable on d3 onward only. - 2 Uses
CQC Slam (Day) - Cripple a player. They will only be able to use one ability per cycle for the rest of the game. They will not be informed. - 1 Use

Intercept (Night) - Occupy a player and all their visitors. Cannot target the same player consecutively. - Infinite Uses

Defeat all scumfactions and any harmful neutrals.


Master Chief :star: :fire:

Space Marine Killer

MJOLNIR Armor (Passive) - Immune to the first attempt on your life. If you claim, both your conversion immunity and this passive will be disabled.
Enhanced Senses (Passive) - Your actions are guaranteed to succeed.

Bubble Shield (Day) - Force commute a player of your choice. - 2 Uses
Charge (Day) - Ready the Spartan Laser. Disable your Enhanced Senses and MJOLNIR Armor passives for tonight. - Infinite Uses

Spartan Laser (Night) - Kill a player bypassing everything. Must be readied beforehand. - Infinite Uses
Energy Sword (Night) - Kill a player who was on the lynch wagon of a player you could win with. Only usable on odd nights. - 2 Uses

Defeat the scumfactions and any harmful neutrals.

Post 582

The Everyman

Neutral Special

Strength of the Proletariat (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.

I’m everywhere (Passive) - Whenever an ability references a specific player’s name (like @Geyde, @Mercenary, @Icibalus), it is modified to as if it said your name as well.

Identity Theft (Night) - Kill a player, and clean their corpse, then gain a copy of their class and goal with the I’m Everywhere (Passive) added. - 1 use

You can’t win. Steal somebody else’s identity to win.



__ of Sauron

Mafia Special

Sauron’s Reposting (Passive) - Same as Eye of Sauron but the __ will be replaced with a random body part. You will automatically backup all roles that say Sauron in them.

Defeat all threats to the Mafia.




Blue Dragon Social

Unshakable Faith (Passive) - You are immune to conversion.

Defeat the scumfactions and any harmful neutrals.

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Neutral Social
Got My Hydroflask (Passive) - You must talk like a typical VSCO girl or else you will get modkilled.
Sksksksksk (Day) - Turn someone into a VSCO Girl, changing their class into yours. - Infinite Uses
And I Oop (Night) - Guess who you don’t think is a VSCO Girl. If you’re right, they will get attacked. - 1 Use
Turn everyone into a VSCO Girl.


Liver of Sauron

Mafia Support

Processing Power (Passive) - Immune to bleeding. If you are attempted to be bled, you will be informed. You peek as BD to investigative abilities. If you perform the factional kill the target will be cleaned.
Regenerative (Passive) - You literally can’t be killed if you aren’t lynched. If you hammer a member of the Blue Dragon, give this passive to a player of your choice.

Antibodies of Sauron (Day) - Make someone immune to bleeding for the rest of the game. If they are afflicted by any status effect, remove it. - Infinite Uses

Defeat all threats to the Mafia.



Mitochondrion of Sauron :shield: :fire:

Mafia Special
Powerhouse of the Cell (Passive) - Immune to death at night and occupation (although not target changing). You may at any time before your death pick another Mafia member to become the new Mitochondrion, swapping your class with theirs. Doing so wastes 1 use from Mitochondrial Biogenesis and theirs limited-use abilities. Any limited uses of abilities you or they wasted won’t be regained. You can’t pick your sucessor if you don’t have uses of Mitochondrial Biogenesis.
Kiss-and-run Exocytosis (Passive) - If, at any time, the Mafia finds themselves without a Mitochondrion, the faction is renamed to Monocercomonoides.
Supravital Staining (Passive) - You know, at the start of the game, how many factions there are.
Celular Differentiation (Night) - Change target player into the Mafia version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Mitochondrial Biogenesis (Night) - Make all actions from the Mafia bypass occupation and healing tonight - 3 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the Town, the other scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




Neutral Special
True Name (Passive) - All players are designated a True Name. You must know a True Name in order to kill your target using the Death Note.
Delete (Passive) - Your targets will die bypassing immunity. You will not leave home in order to kill.
Talk (Day Ability) - Talk To a player, making them trust you. If they investigate you, you will be seen as Town. They won’t be able to kill or do anything negative to you - Infinite Uses
Terrify (Day Ability) - Terrify a player. They will be occupied tonight unless targeting you - Infinite Uses
Trust (Night Ability) - Learn a players’ True Name. This can only be done if they Trust you (if you have talked to them) - Infinite Uses
DeathNote (Night Ability) - Write a name down in your Death Note. They will be killed immediately, preventing use of their Night Ability. They will be revealed to have died at morning - Infinite Uses
Survive to clean the world of Neutrals and Evils.