54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

What the fuck

that shit is Ez

there is so many studies on that type of shit.

hey guys wanna know what my “SAT” essay was about?

Hey look

The Joker Movie

Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk


Democratization of movie theater access.

how :thinking:


ask eevee

geyde the copycat shootings are coming i swear you just have to be patient in these things

Pays the correct people

Oh no there’s a shooting


and its at a movie theater
oh noes

I don’t want to make light of shootings but the media at large is basically asking for a shooting and that shit’s wack


the media and the news is fucked in general

like, aboslutely fucked

daily reminder that schools in america are designed like FPS levels to give students cover in case of school shooters


Saw it last night. It was good


Why is everyone talking about that joker movie

I’m not a mod

Also I’m going to Rio and some other places reachable by a nightbus travel and I think you mentioned living in a cold area soooo don’t think that would be close… :thinking:

Also could only fly to certain destinations, because I’m flying with the airline I work for and then it is significantly cheaper.

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because we live in a society

come on, you asked for that one

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im in a dileema

I hate Blizzard-Activision

But, Diablo 4 looks amazing

im torn as hell.

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Starts IP tracing Mercenary in a devious way to sneak up on her in a full Reaper outfit

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