54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

something something no ethical consumption under capitalism something
something something do whatever something


Diablo 4 hype :partying_face:

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Well enjoy ur trip my dude.

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But that hype is not going to satiate probably at least 2 years of development… I’ll probably buy it anyways, but dislike that they announced it so soon.

The actual answer is far more complicated and dosen’t involve communist propoganda, but I’ll cut to the chase and say that you should buy it if you really want to, because there’s no boycott on Blizz/Activision that’s actually working going on, and they’re going to keep on OpReSsInG tHe PrOlEtArIaT no matter what you do so buy it if you think you’ll enjoy it.

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(I buy a game because I like it, I don’t buy a company)

coporate boycotts don’t work because it takes a huge exodus of consumers to make the company actually unprofitable enough to seriously and permanently change their tune

also because people seem to be convinced nowadays that a boycott is destroying a company’s product which you own, which is on average profitable to the company

Which company is it

like seriously
when Blizz banned Blitzchung people tried to mass delete their accounts, which is ???

because deleting an account and all the data on said account is getting rid of your own products, which you paid for, so statistically you bought them back when you realised you wanted to play Overwatch again.


Uhhhhhh pleads the 5th

Not going to make it stupidly more easy than it already is to track me down :upside_down_face:

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I’m going on holiday though, it’s not for work.

A riot on Blizzcon would have been bad.

Blanket statement that all activism is useless is meeh.

i’m not saying activism is bad, it’s just that you have to do a form of activism that actually works
burning your functioning property is not a way that works


Azul it is

ways that work include:

  • Going out of your way to discourage buying the product
  • flashy, provocative stunts
  • communist revolutions


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Also, Since we were talking about how corrupt the Media is

Everyone should go on twitter rn, and see whats trending.

ABC showed their true colors.

And im stopping with anything related to politics after this comment

say what you want about it morally, but it is an effecitve way to boycott a product, by refusing to pay for it

No, stealing is bad