54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Honestly, its insane how fucked in general the worlds is

there is so much shit in shadows, and i honestly dont think it can ever be brought to the light without destroying society.

I don’t think it’s in the shadow I think people choose to ignore it

panem et circenses

ding ding ding


The actual truth:

The world is great
We just don’t talk about the positive change because of loss aversion


Fairly sure this depends on country. :thinking:

I know it was legal in The Netherlands until 2014.

But if we should encourage it on this forum is a no brainer no.

@Wazza I just finished dangan 2. Masterpiece. Thanks for the reccomendation, can’t wait to play the 3rd. I’m sadly feeling it really can’t top the first 2.

1 Like

Oh boy.

Bro, just you wait and see

Danganronpa V3 is amazing, in my opinion it’s the best in the entire series.


Once I have more time they are on my list of games I need to go through

I recommend them too. ^^ Do start at the first though.

I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve only figured out now what boomer stands for

Also wtf at the trend too but meeh. :man_shrugging:

but free stuff.

I can piracy 20gb/week
in Google Chrome
with my NAME-SURNAME@gmail.com account enabled
with my browser tracking my localization
and not anything will be done against it

laughs in 3rd world country


i giggled
thats literally like
our routine here


Also we have like
People with CDs that they used to burn movies in that
Selling at everywhere in every street for cheap money
And that sells like water

Piracy is really really common in Brazil, to the point it is trite

Not defending it tho just funny to see how different each other realities are

why is piracy allowed there

The Last Post got fixed.

it’ll get the job done