54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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for products which are arguably necessary, or otherwise unreasonable to drop, it provides a way for consumers to vote with their wallet.
say, streaming services.

No. It’s against the Law, and you should not advise others to do it… for real.


Time to go to Somalia

im not saying people should do it.
its morally wrong. people shouldnt.
but it does do that thin, and refusing to acknowledge it feels dishonest

pirating as a “none of the above” option for voting with your dollar dosen’t work because voting with your dollar is a fake concept


Thank you.

you get the product, but you break the law, which is already risky as fuck, and the company just won’t bother because it’s hard to determine the exact numbers of people pirating the game and just won’t bother because it’s not denting their profit margin

basically don’t pirate things
you’re not being a radical bohemian living outside of the system, you’re just breaking the law to very little actual benefit

thought experiment: how could one boycott a bank?

banks in general or one particular chain?

One particular chain. Boycotting the financial sector wouldn’t be a boycott, it’d be the start of a disasterous revolution, and you know it.

just begin switching everything over from one to the other.
you would stop letting them borrow your money for as much as possible.

actually the way you destroy a bank is to deliberately get all of that bank’s customers to withdraw their money en masse, because they will never have enough money in the back

i mean what i said is how you boycott it.
thats just what i said en masse

Wait so what happens then

the government bails them out, but the bank has to change their tune when the shareholders are compensated

pity about the economic crash that happens when the bank falls that fucks over more people than the bank were ori- oh

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it turns out banks are impossible to boycott effectively because mass exoduses of customers isn’t a credible threat

there’s the thought experiment

So you are telling me the bank don’t have an endless supply of cash

this is fake news, better luck next time

The fun part is that they do, it’s just half of the money only half exists.

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