54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Simon want to join our religion

actually let’s praise the god of dark theme

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what do we do in it

Sounds like a better religion

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it really doesnt.




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simon can be our first sacrifice

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This sounds like a good idea but how are we going to find out where he lives

I have an idea

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@simon where do you live, it’s for an “experiment”

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jokes on you ive just been a possessed laptop this entire time,

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that’s literally the equivalent of satan in our religion

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i mean mood ngl

we need to convert Eevee

alright burn the laptop

all laptops must die, we must chain them up and drop them in an ocean, if they sink they are not laptops if they float they are objectively evil

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he can IP track all light themers

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This is how all religions start

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First as a joke and then people actually believe in it

If we pray hard enough dark theme god comes to life

If we think about it god does exist because people think it exists therefore it affects some people choices

we need to make a sacred book