54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Middle Finger of Sauron

This is what the people want

Uvula of Sauron
Esophagus of Sauron
Nasal Cavity of Sauron

God what is wrong with me

Pancreas of Sauron

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The destruction of the One Ring was literally taking Sauron off of their life support

Gums of Sauron

it turns out splitting up your body parts and placing them across thousands of scary towers and turning them into big scary flamey things using dark magic is not covered by most health insurance

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Kneecap of Sauron

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this



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ici for the everyman, you could have just put made the passive sticky, and then removed from that last bit. that way they keep the passive even through like vanilifiers and whatnot

Elbow of Sauron
Weenus of Sauron
Right Armpit of Sauron
Left Thumb of Sauron

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Big Toe of Sauron

Small Intestine of Sauron

Reddit Account of Sauron

Unlike you all, I committed a sin that’s terrible instead of godly

Bow down to SCP- 079


Just finished reading Steel Ball Run. Really good. Dont know which I liked more part 5 or part 7. But they are both my favorites of the series so far

I’m now in Brazil and I’ve already been ripped off, it’s raining and the sole person I talked to started gushing about how Amsterdam is the best city ever which is literally where I came from.

Yes, I’m one of those optimistic travellers

This is now my travel diary