54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Part 7 easily for me imo

I just found this on the internet not sure if it’s true tho

“A teacher I know had a gold fish on his desk. When the class came in for their first day he gave them a few rules, however he said that his most important rule was that no one touch his goldfish no matter what. Mid way through the year he begins to teach his students about how laws whilst upheld by the government are not always just. During this lesson he takes the goldfish out of its bowl, and throws it on the ground to let it die. My friend, who acted out of instinct, picks up this goldfish, and puts it back in the bowl. He was given a detention for his “offense”, and the detention description said “For doing the right thing.””


That’s such a great teacher

:thinking: is this how to teach kids that animal abuse is correct

I can only say one thing to this:


see, Part 5 has more cool stands
but Part 7 has the coolest stand in the series

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Hey ya best stand

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are you of the “Hey Ya manipulates luck” club, the “Hey Ya can see the future” gang or the “Hey Ya is really encouraging” posse?

Hey Ya is actually alternate Dire
Because it seems overpowered but in reality is a joke

It’s not teaching them it’s correct. It’s teaching people that there are problems with laws where doing the right thing can get you in trouble. It’s arguably more important then the goldfish and I’m not just saying this because every time I had a goldfish they died in a couple days despite me taking care of them

But there are Laws to protect the goldfish… which the teacher breaks here…

which stand is dire, again, I would remember normally but my headache from yesterday is still there

Jojo Wiki - Dire

I mean

Do you know when the teacher did do that

how long were goldfish laws a thing

Dire is a part 1 boi who gets killed almost immediately after he’s introduced
That’s the joke

Also I looked up how long goldfish can be out of water and it said 3 hours

I’m pretty sure they would have picked them back up by then

oh yeah part 1
i forget every bit of part 1 except for speedwagon regularly, I swear

@Hippolytus 1v1 me on Magic: Arena, format being Brawl.

loser has to host Fortnite FM whether they want to or not


(i hope hippo dosen’t actually take me up on this bet)

This one