54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

does that mean you’ll help me with my setup idea



Mostly because I have a mechanical phobia that extends back 420 generations

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Okay guys so I was searching for games where I was mislynched and I saw something that brought back memories while skimming.
Minority Rule.
We should do one of those


Also Behind the Mask

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oh we had that fruit as Neopets

Any reviewer online?

I exist

Lovely. Are you avaliable to review something (really quickly)
Would you prefer discord or a PM?


Travel diary intensifies

Sooo apparently Brazilians always order for 2 people or something crazy like that, because I just got 2 of the same dish… when I was eating out alone. I guess loners don’t exist here or something. :man_shrugging:

Also had to already reject a Brazilian’s advances during going out. Yassss ego boost yasss. :partying_face:

The weather is still shit.

My best friend is now apparently engaged and they’re marrying in India in February, so I guess I’m going there too.


Hmmm, what exactly did you say? It’s not a costume to order the exact same plate for two people here and besides, we order in a cummulative fashion (unlike Portugal), so that’s even weirder.
You are at a coffee shop. You say: “Bring me one coffee”
Your friend says: Two!
The other one: Three!
In Portugal the barista would bring six coffees, but in Brazil they would bring three, one for each.

if you’re cute that will be kinda frequent, people ain’t shy
but take that with a grain of salt since I’m a woman and in my case it is literal catcalling/harassment

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I’m cute :upside_down_face:

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Solic, Enjoy Brazil

its snowing rn and I wanna die


I just pointed at whatever I wanted and they gave me portion size for two and really two. I can have a big appetite, but that was for two.

did finish it though, because hey I spend money on that!

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It has just been raining here though… I don’t know where my stereotypical sunny Brazil has gone.


not much to say