54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It is Spring, boi

Brazil be sunny and rainy
unless you are at the south
then it is kinda chilly but never gets under freezing temp

can’t even research night places for you since you’re engaged

So the plate was meant for two
idk if that’s common outside but instead of asking for two and they bringing a plate double the size you either order two separate one-sized dishes (usually in places with individual servings only) or a dish that was meant to be for two

the menu usually indicates it is meant for two.
if you need any translation I’m up
also avoid going near to schools this sunday near midday because there will be traffic I think since it is a national exam thingy on this date
wish me luck on that

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Good luck!

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I’m not engaged. :thinking:

didn’t you have a bf

Yes, but engaged means to be wed.

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And let’s say I’m not ready for that yet xD

But that wasn’t indicated anywhere. :confused:

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It’s fine though, I had actually skipped lunch, so the extra was welcome.It’s like they knew Now that’s customer service.

Good luck!

Google translate has been my hero, but that’s really nice of you! :slight_smile:


casual juice of shit

that’s a very common misspell
they meant “coco”, sometimes misspelt as “côco”, which means “coconut”


Actually, you’re right that it can have that meaning except it’s less common than betrothed. I am committed though yes, but that doesn’t restrict me really in where I can go out.

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hooooold up Solic
now I can share to you all the engrish-portuguese memes we had on restaurants trying to be accomodative to tourists during the cup/olympics at Rio

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The only two words I really can use now are Ola and obrigado.