54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

we drive away, never to be seen again.

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We also burn the petition, so Orange never has to play the game.

@orangeandblack5 …Dream Daddy is 100% sfw. It’s not gross.

also guys one of my math SAT exam thingy question was how many inches were a feet lol

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:eyes: over my dead Reaper body.

“sounds easy”
> I only know feet/inches conversions because of having to use english version of TRPG .pdfs
> the exam gave that an inch is 2.54 cm, a yard is 3ft and a yard is 0.9144 meters and you were supposed to calculate on that basis

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Why is it 18+ then

is Dream Daddy +18?
I played the censored version then

This clairvoyancy is proof that your future self did the same thing.

Anyone that dares enter the cookie thread will be a target :upside_down_face:

Because homophobia and steam being restricted in certain countries is my bet, if it’s actually slated as 18+.

It’s not in any way steamy or I’d already have played it


What the heck

Bullshit wtf

still bs

You answered it easily right

Easy. You forget i’m a god

unless someone regularly converts between systems which is rare they wouldn’t know likely
a feet is 12 inches

how tf can you miss it

it’s literally 11 inches

nah it’s 12

And who do you think gods are greeted by when they die? :eyes:

They don’t die. They fade away.

Everything dies except death itself, now HANDS OFF my petition unless you’d be getting others to sign it. :eyes: