54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Actually too much Coffee most likely


How dare you accuse me of debauchery.

I don’t drink coffee.

It’s nectar for the gods and I’m above those.

How dare you accuse me of accusing you of drinking

Liquid courage.

I’m actually not drunk, but I should totally play FM drunk at some point.

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Or make a drinking game out of it.

Drink every time PKR is being LAMIST etc.

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I remember there was a story of a person playing F3 drunk on MU. One of the players were confirmed scum, so he tried voting them and ended up voting themselves. Votes were locked

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Pretty sure it was turbo tho

How do you accidentally vote yourself, even while drunk?

He wasn’t drunk enough.

On MU to vote someone you click a button that drops down a list of names. Once you click it, it formats your post into a vote and you can click submit to vote

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So instead of inevitable ATE, you’ll just have alcoholism solve all your problems. Sounds really healthy.

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Also, someone please make a Death Stranding FM or Misc here.

Or celebrate your solutions! The glass is half full after all of course except when you’re me and you don’t have a glass.

Solic has gone mad

I cant wait to play that once it comes out and I get my new pc

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