54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It’s good. A bit RNG, like the rest of the game, but good.

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I have tried staying away due to I’m not a fan how the game evolved but the single player is what’s having me conflicted atm


I’m trying to do an interview about how it feels to be dead with dead people, however they all are are choosing not to comment. Any suggestions on changing this?

Develop psychic powers and channel them.

Alternatively, die and ask them in the afterlife, but that’s very risky, you’ll have to make sure someone revives you.

If it wasn’t clear, the last option is a joke, please do not attempt it.
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Thank you for your advice! I have talked to several people and asked around and eventually I received an email from a Nigerian prince that said that it costs a lot of money to be revived, however if you give me money I can give you a lot more money in a couple of weeks to help fund for this revival!


He even said he will help me find a reviver!

This is going to be a grand ceremony!
We must sacrifice someone to the cookie gods, in order for there to be two cookies instead of one!
Who shall be sacrificed!?


/vote Magnus

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[Insert I volunteer meme here]


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Your vote was changed to Datbird!

You hold no power here.

Look up Hunger games volunteer as tribute

This is Discobots domain

Yes I do.
I proposed the sacrifice

I want to, but I’ll be too busy with school and dangan mash.