54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

And you are the sacrifice congrats

Too godly for that

Gods makes the best sacrifices. Especially puny ones like urself

Ha! Puny? I’m one of the few gods on these forums, and the only one listening to ye mortals!


[Insert Thor smash Hulk gif here]

But ur Loki. U God of mischief

I’m neither.
I’m son of Apollo.

No, you’re Alphys. It says right there on your title.

Nope. This is merely the form I have decided to take.

But you have no proof, so we have no reason to trust you on that.

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That makes perfect sacrifice material

Ha! How is it not proof, when I have not slept, but prepared seventy thousand future misc games all at once!!?

You are acting like coffee doesn’t exist.

Prove it, I dare you.

According to your purchase history, you have brought a large sum of coffee recently.

can we agree that disco needs to get the cookie

As a note we will eventually get to 69420 before the end of time

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I agree that it is ethical duty as a citizen of this forum to help them get the cookie.

Still going to get the cookie tho

I hate stimulants