54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I propose the sacrifice of @System!

Sacrifice or Spare?

Spare. We decided you were the sacrifice. And due to plurality you will be the sacrifice at EOD

EOD? That’s in about 48 hours :wink:

Nah like 3 hours, host set it for midnight est

But i’m Host :wink:

No. We all know discobot is. Cmon this is their domain

My class is Bastard Host.

I graduated



a boomer

This isn’t Isaac we’re talking about—
I mean, this isn’t Kai we’re talking about, you know.

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Anyone know why Ben shapiro was banned?

i know it says alt, but does anyone know the story?

I know Ben Shapiro was an alt account created by Geyde for Maxi to use in Clown Fiesta

The entire ability of the role was that two accounts were controlled by a single player

ah that explains it.

Anyone want to play with me in the current signup open MU team game? https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/24380

Would you include me in that?

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Yes lol I need a team

Need more peeps!

We need 4-5 people for a team


The light compels you