54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Sure. Come to my den.

That’s why you brought a lot of coffee? Those things don’t add up!

Coffee is a stimulant

You are only proving my case further.

I hate stimulants and therefore coffee.

Yet you still brought a lot of coffee, these don’t add up!

I don’t drink coffee!

Then why did you buy it!

Certainly i didn’t.

how do you survive mornings

Your purchase history disagrees

I don’t drink coffee either

I’m used to waking every 7am

try waking up at 6:30 semi-consistently

I fucking can’t. This is the third time I get surprised with the hurdur this is the meal price for 2 people actually. Like it makes no sense whatsoever. What idiot thought of this.

Rude tourist out

Also this neigbourhood is ten kinds of shady, so just in case, it was nice knowing you all. :wave:


I wake at 7am EVERY DAY.
Even weekends.

Its 200 posts left


I have a candidate for our sacrifice!