54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I love me some token decks. I used time run a splicer token golem deck.But yeah loyalty can be a real pain

it’s too late, you’re already a 3/3 elk

I may be able to work with that

also all your abilities are gone because all your useful permanents are 3/3 elks
also your opponent is ramping the fuck out of you, and is dropping big creatures every turn

Oh no big monsters, I didnt realize this was green. Green is the worst. Ban him

you don’t need to, he’s already gone
technically he was simic but whatever
once upon a time is also gone

Simic still has green. Get rid of it. Even though Bant decks are my fave

@reaper isn’t that your deck or


sometimes I surprise myself



thinking is over rated

if you don’t have the answer in the five second it takes to load the question you are doing it wrong

it took me 6 seconds to think of argument against this

Set symbol doesn’t imply hentai is the best part

what did someone say hentai

I know the answer it’s just a matter of making sure I click the right one

Read the image lol

reminds me of that page of a book


When I read that I immediatly scanned what I read before.
I noticed that everytime she said something he considered absurd, he laughed.

doesnt say What book