[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

How did Ici play

My reads were actually great early

I just chickened out on them


He actually talked about his scumbuddies this time

He seemed super happy and had some decent reads D2 imo before I knew he was wolf.

I pushed literally no wolves all game and no one noticed

admittedly given my townplay I’m not convinced that’s AI

Ryōhei Seki, a character from Danganronpa The After (A Japanese fangan)
He’s my favorite character for many reasons

Ici is now one of the most scary wolves

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Gimme scumchat

Check aretes iso

Seriously this was his major deficiency

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TvB for reference

Naww thank you! Same goes for you!

Alright. I have a tendency to not interact with my maf buddies at all (as people who played with wolf!me on MU already) so I went to go the other route. Though I agree I may distanced a bit hard from Ici ^^

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don’t make it so obvious that you’re scum

It doesn’t matter if it’s obvious to deadchat

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there’s a reason you are dead and they aren’t

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i’m just more focused because of how relaxed i can be WHEN PEOPLE AREN’T OUT FOR MY HEAD

This game has regained my confidence.

Even if I started getting pocketed later my earlier reads were on point

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Bad faith time

I wasted both my logs uses. I gave one to Solic who was spked. And I gave one to wolf arete

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And I woulda lead a CFD onto scum if scum didn’t cfd onto another scum