54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Last year: cringe
This year: boring

Confession time I have never watched a single Rewind

This is basically what my linear algebra homework was

hold up

serval1 (1)
Spotted on campus

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So we have a French exchange student in our school

My history teacher started talking about schools here compared to other places and was like

“Do you know what she said? She said that schools over there are much more strict, and going to school here is like being in a movie. Isn’t it crazy that they compare our school to being in a movie?”

Something like that

@Icibalus am free now for mtga?

Is it tho

hey shu shu

Sup dude

whats 2 plus 2

We all know its a logical 8

i thought it equaled shurian but idk guess im wrong

Nah man I cannot be quantified in numbers
I love myself too much

im calling you a four and therefore average

No that is not okie dokie

: )

No but that were her words not mine

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I cant say it for myself, because I’m not from France and am from Singapore, but algebra is now being taught in schools from age 12 now

Here anyway

Trigonometry (Trigo as we call it short) is taught from age 15, and Integration in the following year before gruelling testing us on everything in one exam