54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Actually looking back they spent 2 terms teaching Trigo but only 3 weeks for Integration…

I mean algebra (as in the thing most people mean, not as in the thing math majors mean) at 12 sounds pretty reasonable to me


That sounds less reasonable

why would you ever do that

Age 12 non-examinable.
Age 13 examinable

Learn x with powers, how to apply them to shapes, memorise formulaes…

Its technically the reverse of Trigo
We did okay tho

I don’t understand how education works in Singapore well enough to know what this means

Hey and all of those were taught in tertiary education (polytechnic for me) again

I aced it in polytechnic without listening to the teacher AHAHA


Wouldn’t it be the reverse of differentiation, not trig?

Ah I mixed a lot of things up
Differentiation was also 3 weeks

(x) = x^3 + 2x^2 + 5
D(x) = 3x^2 + 4x + c

(Wtf is a c? Random constant… I dunno. Teacher never told us to worry about that.)

wtf am I looking at

Normal things you learn at age 16

Ah fuck yes
Trigo is the tan sin cos one

I’m 15 I’m in geometry is that algebra 2?

Wait you add the c when you integrate not when you take the derivative

Geometry as in…?
3d modelling?



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I’ll fail any of my math classes now
I havent touched math in 2 years
Cher’s gonna be so disappointed in me DX